Tuesday, October 25, 2011

The NBA Lockout.... "Can't We All Just Get Along?"


Well, well, well, we've just thrown out another 2weeks of the NBA season and there are no current meetings scheduled in the near future. Are we headed for a 50 game season? Maybe less? That's the fear of  tons of NBA fans worldwide, who were hoping things would pan out right on time to preserve @ least the regular season as did the NFL's lockout situation. On the other hand there are many basketball fans that aren't too pressed about it, do to the great anticipation of the NCAA college basketball season that looks promising, loaded with tons of talented freshmen. But you have to ask yourself....what does this do to the momentum that the league was trying to maintain and build upon? Last year's playoffs were a huge sign of where the league is or was positioned to move toward, having smaller markets such as Memphis and Oklahoma looking like runaway trains and the Dallas Mavericks starring as "David" slaying the "Goliath" Heat in the NBA finals. You talk about momentum??! So many interesting and intriguing story lines to lock in current and new NBA fans this year such as, can the Heat become the dominant force that was anticipated and if not what becomes of the big three scenario? Is the Lakers run over or can Kobe get back to the finish line one more time? Is this the year that the ultra talented Oklahoma City Thunder take that next step toward dominance, even if its just making it to the NBA finals?  How much better will D. Rose be this year after a M.V.P season last year? So many things working in the leagues favor, so many young and exciting players emerging and all that momentum may be lost over a lil coin....because believe me, @ this point, considering what's being made by both players and owners, to a fan its over just a lil coin....... TO BE CONTINUED

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