Thursday, December 8, 2011

Jim Boeheim and The Friend He Thought He Knew

Jim Boeheim first began coaching Syracuse back in 1976 and began putting his staff together. Presently a high school head coach (which sounds scary), Bernie Fine was hired as Boeheim's assistant. For a while the two were close but from sources close to the two, over the years, not so much. Bernie Fine was basically "demoted" at one point from Boeheim's "right hand man" and replaced by someone else, do to lack of certain basketball contribution ability. Though at won point during this relationship they were close enough to where they were next door neighbors, to Boeheim's wife's delight, Jim moved his family due to the, not so warm, relationship between the two house holds. With all of that being said, Jim Boeheim has always run a hands off, "pro style" type of program anyway, meaning that he never was the "micro manager" dude. He expected people to show up to work ready to do their jobs without him having to baby sit them, just as most professional clubs functions. All of this considered, Penn State's situation in comparison to Syracuse's, its completely night and day. It was such of a, on top of each other, family type situation where in "he had to know". Once truths started coming out, Boeheim completely re-evaluated his stand, taking a "I can't vouch for any one 100%" type of approach. To me, as he apologized for initially discrediting the allegation of sexual misconduct of minors by his, then, assistant, I felt that he was being sincere. Maybe, maybe not but after firing Bernie Fine shortly after the allegations blew up, a public apology to the alleged victim and Boeheim's history of running his program from a distance somewhat all point towards him genuinely not KNOWING. That all we can judge Boeheim through, his awareness.
Jim is a great coach and sometimes the people around you can cause problems for you but the truth prevails  in the end. What did we learn today class? Be careful of who you say you know......

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