Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Can Lin, Amare' and Melo Co-Exist?

Well we are all aware of the NY Knicks prayers for a point guard being answered by the unexpected great play of Jeremy Lin, a player that had been juggled around from a number of teams in 1 1/2 seasons and was at the end of the Knick bench as well. The question is as the two superstars, Amare and Melo, return to the line up, will Lin be able to continue great play and the Knicks continue their winning streak. Lin is a point guard that can score, not necessarily a shoot first point guard but many people feel that Melo is a offensive black hole that the ball disappears into and thats what scares Knick fans the most. Melo is a natural born scorer and does do it from one on one situations where in he hangs on to the ball quite a bit. Will this take away from the current momentum that the Knicks have with Lin at the helm?? Not many are worried about Lin's chemistry with Amare because of the system of head coach Mike D'Antoni. It's the same fast paced, pick and role styled offense that Amare played in Phoenix with all-star guard Steve Nash. We'll see how the chemistry plays out. All of the big 3 (Chandler, Melo, Amare)  are excited about Lin and maybe they're considering referring to the Knick power players as the big 4!!!!!

Check out what some experts are saying.......

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