Thursday, July 10, 2014

Tips For July For The TravelAAU/Showcase Ball Player : Pt. 1

Tips for July pt.1

 Good day ladies and gentlemen..... Its that time of year where in college coaches/recruiters and beating a path all over the country to lay eyes on prospects who they feel are a fit and can contribute in their program, thus resulting in NCAA scholarship offers. With this being said, though we may not want to state it this way, the stakes are high and the lights are on for these young players. Often times this can cause the young man or women to give a ton of effort and focus on showing that they are offensively gifted or hugely productive on that end and a huge shadow is casted over the other....DEFENSE/EFFORT end. Keep this in mind, if you don't appear ENGAGED on the defensive end which includes good posture, talking on D, the hustle 50/50 balls, coaches will be turned off as they will see you as a liability and with the multitude of players to choose from, may not take a second look. Don't gauge your game by the ball going through the net ALONE. Being locked in n defense and the hustle game screams TEAM, and you only giving effort and playing with urgency when you have the ball screams ME! You've gotta want to stop somebody. You have to take every defensive possession personally. This alone separates you from many others on the court and is the real definition of imposing your will and impacting the game unto "domination". It infuses your teammates and believe it or not, it's the best way to get going on the other end!!  D-UP!!!