Monday, December 5, 2011

Damon Harge, Hope or Hype? I'm Going To See 2night!

As I had written, about a month ago, there is a kid hoops stand out that may be end up being far beyond the dribbling exhibition kids that you might see from time to time on youtube. He is definitely a very talented 6th grader that has game time skill/ability. There are plenty of skeptics out here in reference to Damon Harge though. Let me break down their argument for you. Because of past overly hyped kids that are largely hyped but fade to black once they match-up against other talented kids, people tend to doubt Damon just the same from the start. Just like those same kids, Damon is small guard. They say he has trouble getting in the lane and finishing. They say he over dribbles and only shoots jumpers. They predict that in the next few years, his lack of size will phase him out. They say a lot, but lets look at it from all directions. Size hasn't stopped a lot of players who have made it to a D1 and professionally, though that takes a great deal of heart. Secondly, from what I've seen, the kid has a good feel for the floor for a 12yr old which allows him to distribute very well. Also, HE'S 12 PEOPLE!!! The fact of the matter is right now, as a 12 yr old, he's better than most of his peers who play competitive basketball. Will he be the next LeBron phenom? Who knows. Will he reach 6ft? Who can predict. For me, I'm putting the speculation to rest by viewing his game for myself tonight at East Wake Academy in Zebulon N.C. @ 7:30!! I will be side line with the macbook pro, taking notes and you better believe, I'll update everyone in the A.M. on his game!!!!
Look up his game film on youtube:

P.S. for those hating on his height, remember, SPEED KILLS......ask all of A.I.'s victims

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