Friday, December 9, 2011

Talk About A Pump Fake!

Since when can't two NBA agree to a del that they feel is fair to both parties and push the "complete transaction" button? Well I guess since yesterday, when it was all set and agreed that Chris Paul would be dealt to the L.A. Lakers but then NBA commissioner David Stern rejected/ blocked the deal. How crazy is that? Very. But why? I believe its a combo of a few things. As he made quite visible, Chris Paul played a very involved role in the players associations stand in the new agreement negotiations from beginning to end. As we saw, David Stern was very bothered by some of the players associations stand during deal negotiations, as one meeting even erupted with tempers to the point where the particular meeting had to break. ????? Makes you wonder. Reason #2 is that over sized, whining babies, that call themselves small market, owners, cried about the potential deal to the NBA's office, saying that its not fair to the smaller one cares about that in anything else in this country, why care on this 1. This is competition, on and off of the court grow up. I can only imagine how CP3 feels. Black balled, hoodwinked, and cheated. The three teams involved in the deal are already appealing and Paul refuses to attend Hornets camp until something is done. I'm with ya CP3. We'll keep a close eye on this 1.

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