Monday, March 11, 2013

Can't Believe My Eyes...DeAndre Jordan Crushes Brandon Knight @ Rim

As if Kyrie Irving's ankle breaking crossovers, with one bringing him to the floor, on All-Star weekend weren't bad enough, Brandon Knight almost locked Twitter up yesterday.....for the wrong reasons!!! In a Sunday afternoon match-up between the Pistons and Clippers, a play that will be seen over and over for quite sometime and cements what LOB CITY is all about occurred. After a Piston's turn over, someone set a back screen for De'Andre Jordan and as Knight was playing off of a man in the far corner. After seeing De'Andre break free, headed toward the rim, Brandon Knight sagged all the way in and jumped to intercept/break up the lob from CP3 but to no avail!!! It resulted in what I would guess was the most embarrassing moment in B. Knight's basketball life....even topping Irving making him fall on his face in  front of the All-Star weekend crowd. Lebron said of the Jordan dunk, "play of the year" and teammate Blake Griffin called it the best dunk he has ever seen in person! That's huge coming from Blake the Great! Look at the faces of the players, the fans, coaches and refs....the dis belief in what they just witnessed!!!! Nasty, ridiculous, unbelievable, unreal, spectacular all fall short in properly describing the play.

               This face after the dunk may describe what just happened best!

Thing is, its not just an isolated situation or just for flash or entertainment. The constant threat of these types of plays by the Clipps has become a culture and a offensive element that has to go into opposing team's defensive strategy. They have made it a weapon, not just a ticket seller. They are the "Greatest Show On Earth"!!!! Between CP3 and Crawford being sly, elusive and stunning on the perimeter with the rock and their crafty court vision and Blake, De'Andre and even Caron (when its any rim left for him) flying to and tearing up rims on a nightly basis, they have created a movement and a culture!!! If you didn't get it before, or thought it was just isolated to Griffin, this video of this play will clear things up for you!!!! Get your mind right and clear the runway next time Brandon..... buzzards luck for B. Knight in 2013 lol!

The Crime Scene

"Here comes Chris Paul...the lob, the jam!!!! Oh what a monster jam by De'Andre Jordan!!!!" 

View "The Play"

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