Thursday, March 21, 2013

Throwback Thursdays: Make Em Jump Like Rod Strickland

Make Em' Jump Like Rod Strickland!

In my coaching and even more so the skill training that I do, I often reference a college or pro player when working on certain skills, moves or mechanics to give kids a strong visual/example of someone who does the said skill correctly....for example, floaters and or hard, low, fast and tight left/right crossover and go's..."Tony Parker", or through the leg, leaning hard in that same direction then crossing back in front to the opposite direction, "Tim Hardaway" and just the same when dealing with the in and out hesitation or any stop and go series off of the dribble, you've got to reference the infamous Rod Strickland at some point!!! This NY bred PG had one of the meanest hesitation series of all time with court vision that ranks with the best of them. Hesitation to make his defender freeze in place, and hesitation to make his player jump and/or raise up, though he still has a live dribble.....sick!! This cat was smooth with the ability to break down defense, finish and find the open man, whether he was behind him or cutting opposite of him through clutter. A REAL pg...something lacking today. The epic rap group WU-Tang even referenced him in a rhyme back in the mid 90's, saying "make em jump like Rod Strickland". Dude was fun to watch and a nightmare for the opposition. Big ups to the real pgs that  had a pass first mentality but still posed an offensive threat themselves enough to keep defense honest. He played 17yrs for several different It was nothing for Strickland to have 15pts 15assist and 3 or 4 stls. Scrappy and crafty!!!! Let's take a moment to look back on Rod "watch those ankles" Strickland!

Look Back At Strickland Doing Work Below!!!!!

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