Tuesday, March 26, 2013

"The Great Wall" Goes For 47!!

John Wall Goes For 47!!

With the kid being from my home town, I have a special interest in this..... last night vs the Memphis Grizzlies, John Wall went for a career high 47 points 8assist and 7 rebounds!! Giving the Grizzlie guards all they could handle, John Wall didn't do all of his damage on penetration and finishes at the rim alone as many would guess, but much of the onslaught came in his new and  improved midrange jumper. In his previous seasons, the scouting report on John Wall was to back off and dare him to shoot jump shots....maybe Memphis didn't get the updated version of the scouting report on him. He has worked on that aspect of his game greatly. Always have been a solid defender, imposed his speed Since his return from the knee injury that kept him out the first half of the season, the Wizards have won 11-18!! He is seemingly getting better with every game..looking more confident, more fit, and regaining the lightning quickness that he has. This is the potential that those who have seen him closely for yrs knew he had, definitely a sign of things to come and hope for Washington Wizards fans and the franchise as a whole!!!

Check out John Wall get busy!

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