Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Ricky Rubio's Impressive But Short Season

Many speculated two years ago, that when Ricky Rubio was drafted high but unable to play immediately for the Minnesota Timberwolves due to his unresolved contract in Europe, that he probably wouldn't pan out to live up to half of the hype anyway. Why? Well despite knowing that he had been playing professionally in Europe for a few years already even though he was 18-19 yrs. old at the time, performed incredibly and achieved champion status while doing so, people still thought that he wouldn't be athletic enough nor tough enough. Well at the start of this season it was time for Rubio to prove the haters wrong or show the Timberwolves genius and the latter he did. Ricky Rubio immediately made an impact the way that he had his whole life and thats by being a very clever and fluid floor general. He got the ball to players in the right place at the right time. He also provided enough of an offensive threat to keep offense honest as well. He quieted the doubters from the start. Proved a lot of people wrong. This kid can play and it was evident every time he stepped on the floor. Unfortunately, his rookie season was court short last week as Rubio suffered a season ending injury but with rookie #'s of 10.6 points per, 8.2 assist per and 4.2 rebounds per, its plain to see that the Timberwolves have something special and with the young athletic players around him, the sky is the limit!!!

Homie's Highlights:

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