Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Rondo Makes Trade Talk Look Ridiculous

Being that Rondo is the Celtics scrappiest defender, quickest overall player, and deadliest penetrator, talking about trading him from a team where everyone else is as old as Moses was already silly, but Sunday made that whole idea sound even worse! Sunday against the over hyped Jeremy Lin, Rajon Rondo put up an Oscar Robinson like stat line by posting 18 points, 17 rebounds, and 20 assist! When I saw this developing, I was in disbelief but should not have been. These are unusual #'s for most lil guards in the league but not Rondo. He is probably the most overall active player in the league. Never stops moving, scrapping, diving running etc. He's like a nat as a defender, crashes the boards with the trees, and attacks off the dribble with the best of them. This isn't the first time Rondo has had super triple doubles though. He has actually had some of his best statistical games in previous playoffs which initiated him being brought up in the "best point guard in the NBA" convo in the first place. This past Sunday may have topped them all though. Only Oscar Robertson and Wilt Chamberlain have ever put up at least 18 points, 17 rebounds and 20 assist in a game. Crazy stuff. I'm sure there are plenty of teams who wouldn't mind having a PG with that type of talent in their line up!!! I hope Danny Ainge wouldn't be that silly.....

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