Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Clash of Colleges #4 Duke and #2 Ohio State

The Tuesday night match-up between Duke and Ohio State promised to be a great game, going into Tuesday night. I rushed home after coaching my team to catch it from the start and everything, but little did I know, it was gonna be over from the start. Ohio State jumped on Duke like a bully in a school yard brawl and didn't get up till there was nothing left! Jumping out to an early lead Ohio State out played the Blue Devils on both ends of the floor. The most evident aspect of the game in which Duke struggled was their man to man defense. The just didn't look like they had the foot speed to stay in front of anyone on Ohio State's squad. With Duke loosing by 20plus, we could point out several other things that they didn't do well enough but maybe this wasn't so much about Duke's lack as it was about the Buckeye's outstanding play. Maybe they have all basis covered in their arsenal. Inside game, outside attack, slashers, passers,  on the ball defense, help defense, strength on the boards and a good coach. Maybe they just might be the best team in the country all together, if not, it sure did look like it the other night......much love to my Dukies anyway, they'll bounce back!!!

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