Monday, November 21, 2011

" This Right Here is a "1 of 1" Kevin Durant

If you were playing NBA2k12 on your xbox or PS 3, and you wanted to go to the CREATE A PLAYER option to make the most extremely, unstoppable player, how would you go about it? What all would the perfect player posses? Well if he's 6'10-6'11, can handle the rock as well as any guard, defend well, has a pure stroke, agile, can throw it down with authority and is court savvy, I would say that's pretty perfect, wouldn't you??

Well that player exist and its Kevin Durant. It first stood out to me when he was playing for theTexas Longhorns. This tall, lanky kid was a monster and you could see the hours of work on his game when you watched. Usually, when spectators see a 6'9-6'10 cat dribble between his legs twice per game, they swear up and down that he has handles but KD has given big man who can handle the rock, new meaning. He would snatch a board, take off on the break, and sometimes elect to keep it, give a combo move off the dribble and finish with the throw down himself. He would take over a game, leading with his scoring attack, from the perimeter in, displaying one of the sweetest strokes you ever want to see. Now entering into his 5th season in the NBA, a gold medal, 3 All-Star games, and 2 scoring titles later, being the youngest ever to achieve that, Kevin Durant has to be getting consideration for the NEW KING. After Kobe, who is gonna be THE MAN. Lebron has some "big stage" work to do to be considered in the convo and D. Howard just ain't Shaq.  So other than maybe D. Rose, its KD all day. He has a killer instinct, that "it" factor that critics and analyst talk about. He is a gym rat from his heart. He's not seeking to make him self an icon, but like Mike and Kobe,  he's letting his game take care of the icon thing. In fact, I'll go as far as saying that KD has the potential to retire as the most unbelievable thing that ever happened to basketball, to those who look at things with out a pre-warped opinion.

If you put his height on him, he'll break them down off the dribble, if you put a smaller guy who's fast enough to stay with him on him, he'll rise up over him and drain jumpers all day and post him up. Defensively he's fast enough to guard the perimeter and has the length enough to defend the post. With his incredible work habits accompanied by his humility and study of the game, I don't see where in someone can dispute my predictions.....Do you?


KD over the summer polishing up

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