Monday, November 14, 2011

ESPN's 24 Hours of Hoopz! Refreshing

Tonight, starting at 12 midnight, the ESPN networks will be airing 23 games total within that following 24hr period. Hog heaven for hoops fans, featuring some spectacular match-ups such as (6) Duke vs. Michigan St. which could be his record breaking night of 903 wins,  (2)Kentucky vs. (13)Kansas where in we'll see what Callipari's stellar freshman class is made of and (10) Florida vs. (3) Ohio St. among others. We will see some upsets and some ranked teams potency will be tested. So buckle up hoops fans and get your Red Bull ready, its gonna be an actioned packed 24hrs!!! Oh yeah, special shout out to Q. Miller on Baylor's W last night and the 17pt. performance he contributed! Fab Freshman yall, check him out!!

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