Wednesday, November 2, 2011

The Opening Night That Would Have Been......


Last night marked the 2011-2012 NBA season opening night and the match-ups to mark the first night of play were explosive and intriguing....but never happened. Of course due to the NBA's current lock out, the entire first month of the NBA season has been cancelled which, in the midst, ruined the outstanding opening night that would have been which included, the Dallas Mavs vs. Chicago Bulls and Lakers vs. Thunder. What an opening night right? Its like, what does D. Rose look like after another summer of jump shot reps, strength and agility workouts? What will be of the LAKE SHOW this year? Can they come back strong or is their run over? Do the Mavs have what it takes to repeat? Will Kevin Durant (baby ice) dominate this season and lift his team to the next level this year? Well, all of these answers wouldn't be answered in one night, but a "first look" into evaluating these scenarios would have been under way. There are no current talks planned as of today, at this minute. Billy Hunter is talking the whole "we will stand our ground" thing which is mostly about a 2.5 percent difference (they're @ 50/50 but the players want 52). WHATEVER!!! Fans don't really care anymore about the specifics. While these multi-millionaires nickel and dime each other, us, the fans, will have to just wait and pray we @ least have a little NBA to watch on Christmas Day. I don't know about anyone else but with the exciting college bball season coming up, I'll be fine after the holidays if they don't play...... We'll see.

Don't fall J. Kidd!!!! LOL (just joking, J. Kidd's 1 of the best at his position ...all-time)

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